Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A little note to say.....

that life has been a bit busy of late...and some major computer repair work necessary...all back together now...and catching up with work...
The bamboo shoots are now over six feet tall and five more have appeared and are as tall as the first though much fatter...a bamboo didgeridoo in the future maybe?
Rain and more rain and the tank is full...we are lucky with the water so far...
Watching snow in London and heat waves here...now it is cool again and severely wet.
The frogs are going mad on the verandah, and we can watch them croak and piff out their chests on the bird bath under the bamboo...the kangaroos have appeared again after an absence whilst it seems they have grown the joeys in the pouch enough...
The smells in the air of the bush in the rain are like heaven...not 'the heaven' just my idea of one.
Will get back again with some pics as soon as life allows the time...