Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Pod Collective

For those of you into all things arty, check out the Pod Collective in the links...certainly worth a look for some amazing ideas.........

Monday, November 27, 2006

Whoosh..Sydney and back....

Little Jess (there is a big jess too) had her 21st on Saturday in Sydney so a mad rush down on Friday and shops on Saturday, 21st night Saturday, back Sunday...certainly was a whoosh. All went down well with a mixture of gangsters and mad pirates who turned up for the celebrations. Some photos to come soon as we download them and get them sorted...will link to photo album that family have links to as soon as we can..(it only allows you in from the email address we have you at...tricky eh)...
Sorry its a short one but have work to catch up with as well as the grass that decided to grow whilst I wasn't looking...........

Monday, November 13, 2006

Broadband comes to the bush

A quick note to say that broadband up and working!! What fun...especially where we are in the middle of the bush...with all the music suddenly worth checking out it might be some time before we get to the blog...ha ha..

Will load up some photos and connect family to link for them....


Friday, November 10, 2006

Moved to Beta

Have switched over to the Beta Blog..is that beta or worse...any problems from anyone please let me know so I can keep up with any issues on the new blog

Of Devon and the world

Was thinking of replying to the recent posts from Devon by normal email but its more fun to place responses here. Glad Nat that you have connected to the blog. Blame Auntie Noo for the process as she started me off and now the time is the fun bit to find.
Broadband waiting for delivery of new modem...very nicely free to to regional subsidy...then I will load up more photos...at the moment I have to wait ages to upload the piccies...will be much easier in a while...all those skype requests from family will be attended to...so cheap phone as long as we can sort out the time difference eh.
My thoughts of late have been full of the climate changes...the massive Murray/Darling River systems are in a perilous state. Our wonderful government with little John at the helm seem to think that all water diverted from the wetlands and river systems can provide drinking water. As someone said 'he just doesn't get it does he?'. Without our sensitive environment looked after its not going to make much difference to the human population.
Loved David Attenborough with his last comment on the last series shown in Aus standing infront of huge termite mounds ...'if we die out these insect populations(pointing to the insects behind him) won't notice the difference...but if they all die out we will all dissapear too...
It amazes me that so many people(and those people are in the minority) are more concerned with the money to be made rather than the planet we all share...gradually we erode the very place we live...
It is sad, but we also must continue to be positive to aim for a recognition that the planet and its people must come before the few making millions. I did find it all depressing to see how stupid we have become...and the arrogance that all the problems will be solved by somebody else...
Lucky here at home in that our waste and our water we look after or else we run out. Would love to afford solar power etc but too expensive at the moment...and no support from the government to switch our homes to effective renuable energy...and this is Aus...we have plenty of sun. Sadly we have coal and uranium to get rid of and sell to make money...so where will it go...to china and india to provide more pollution...another circle...
A man turned up here the other day...nice old cockey to ask if we were interested in selling timber. He was surprised when I said 'no' we are preserving what we have for the future and 350 acres of tree does something for the planet let alone the wildlife. We value the critters around here and will try to do all we can to ensure they are welcome as long as I don't get bitten by dingoes or goannas eh!
Read a lovely book ages ago 'diary of a welsh swagman' in the 1860's, came here from Wales to get away from his wife and family it seems. A diary full of comments at the dry continent and the massive land clearing that was promoted and no decent farming practices to look after the land and the limited water...pity nobody listened to those comment then...it could all be so different.
I watch the news showing massive farming operations and the effect of the drought...well the effect of the farming practices have to be reviewed...to me clearing acres upon acres and sowing one crop is just plain stupid as far as reducing rain and soil quality...but then I am just an old hippy...
I will be intersted to here of the changes across the world...surprised Noo that you are on water restrictions there...always seems funny in the UK to not have enough water...
We will all do whatever we can to save energy and water and save the planet too...
On positive...Mandy off to Alice Springs today with the Charity Flight...wonderful to see those who have made their money putting it in to help others...and little Sophie Delizio has been a fantastic example of strength and joy to all that see her...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Keeping Up To Date

No photos for this one. An entry to keep all those family members up to date with the goings on, though I suspect that only one family member will be checking in!
Mulch, mulch and mulch. Son J was here to clear a fire break for us, which meant tons of bladey grass to use for mulch. Good stuff as no weeds appear. Now all the garden beds, trees and vegies are mulched for the dry summer, though it has been raining for a week and all very soggy underfoot with some lovely little mountains of earth all over the place with thanks to the worker ants. Great for the dog who loves to roll on it all and then very nicely carry all the dirt into the house...

M off to Alice Springs again for a charity flight to Alice Springs for The Day of Difference Foundation and to enjoy some warm weather and probably a few flies.

Sad news for son J...a kangaroo leapt in front of him whilst driving to work and did some major damage to the car but no damage to occupants. One of the problems with driving in the country areas. So now a hunt for parts and money to fix it...Of course it didn't do the kangaroo much good either...

To all of you who move into the colder parts of the year keep warm...watch the weather. How much of a change do you see that is not normal? Australia in its worst drought for a thousand years, though I am not sure who kept the records a thousand years ago in Aus...sure the Indigenous people didn't...but then this continent did fine for 60,ooo years and sadly the last two hundred of good old civilised white settlers have seen destruction of the environment on an unprecedented level.

We can only each do what we can to preserve the planet and its people...

Broadband is also coming to the bush...ahhh patience...5 to 10days away...modem in the post I am told...will look forward to some Skype phone calls with all and sundry...