Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Keeping Up To Date

No photos for this one. An entry to keep all those family members up to date with the goings on, though I suspect that only one family member will be checking in!
Mulch, mulch and mulch. Son J was here to clear a fire break for us, which meant tons of bladey grass to use for mulch. Good stuff as no weeds appear. Now all the garden beds, trees and vegies are mulched for the dry summer, though it has been raining for a week and all very soggy underfoot with some lovely little mountains of earth all over the place with thanks to the worker ants. Great for the dog who loves to roll on it all and then very nicely carry all the dirt into the house...

M off to Alice Springs again for a charity flight to Alice Springs for The Day of Difference Foundation and to enjoy some warm weather and probably a few flies.

Sad news for son J...a kangaroo leapt in front of him whilst driving to work and did some major damage to the car but no damage to occupants. One of the problems with driving in the country areas. So now a hunt for parts and money to fix it...Of course it didn't do the kangaroo much good either...

To all of you who move into the colder parts of the year keep the weather. How much of a change do you see that is not normal? Australia in its worst drought for a thousand years, though I am not sure who kept the records a thousand years ago in Aus...sure the Indigenous people didn't...but then this continent did fine for 60,ooo years and sadly the last two hundred of good old civilised white settlers have seen destruction of the environment on an unprecedented level.

We can only each do what we can to preserve the planet and its people...

Broadband is also coming to the bush...ahhh patience...5 to 10days away...modem in the post I am told...will look forward to some Skype phone calls with all and sundry...


Anonymous said...

Hi Dudes, Ruthy here, always lovely to hear about whats going on in the bush =) We've got our tix for peats ridge so we are already looking fwd to it, but we should be into the new house by then so maybe we will see u guys for christmas or something?

Your comment about the last 200 yrs os so heart-wrenching, it really gets you down when you feel that as a society we leave so much destruction as a legacy. I feel that often people look back at the Romans and see their great acheivements tempered by their violence, what will the future judge us by.. i think it is more likely to be the destruction we have wreaked than the innovations...

love ya

Auntie Noo said...

Ooooh poor J, that must have come as a nasty shock - glad he's ok though.
Yep, temperatures here all screwy too! October was ridiculously warm, and here we are 2nd week in November and still most trees are green with leaves - it's mad! We are still officially in drought conditions here in the south too - and under an ongoing hosepipe ban. ('Cos that's going to help eh?!!!!)

Glad to hear about the broadband, you'll appreciate that!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha!Just finished pruning our garden up for the winter, if it ever comes!?!!
Built some steep steps with a pick axe, mallet, axe, saw, and scrap wood.
Thought it would be cooler this time of year!
Got ready in time to set a spooky, lit trail down under the trees for Halloween. Where I dressed up as a vampire and jumped out at the kids, scaring them half to death and force feeding them pumpkin soup. Well the bigger ones anyway. I had to coax the small ones down for their treats!
A new David Attenbourough documentary is showing on Sundays. This week we saw the plight of a polar bear struggling for life in a world of melting ice, accelerated by global warming. He lost his fight after swimming for 3 days and being wounded by walrus' in a lst attemp to feed.
He looked so gentle and sad, as he curled up to die.
I cried for the inevitable loss of diversity. Flora and fauna that evolved over millions of years and is lost in a few. The rapid destruction we cause and the runnaway train we are on. For our children, their children. And the complete blindness of the majority to the danger we are all in. For the magnificance we inherited and are failing to appreciate.Because the planet will survive, but not as we know it.
Send my love to Jarrah and the kangaroo! x