Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A belated catch up

For any reading the blog, though at times I do wonder if I am just writing a personal diary, thought I should at least make an effort to add some 'doings'...umm think that is a word borrowed from my father.
Lots has been happening which is why I haven't added much of late. Larry the lump reappeared and has been causing some problems, but working on alternative treatment, which I think is moving forward, but is slow. At this time though better than surgery. No worries though, all seems to be calcification...this has all taken much effort at healing and some rather cosmic approaches. Oh well always ready for an alternative.
Had some time in Sydney while M was away on a tour. Must say that this trip was not the best and she returned completely exhausted. Always sounds good on a tour but not always as one would hope.
One of the delights for me apart from catching up with daughter J was that we found a delightful garden in the middle of Sydney's Darling Harbour (no not in the water) a Chinese garden that almost seemed magical and certainly we disappeared into the quiet and peace of a Chinese garden.
Winter is upon us and the lower temps are here, though no complaints as we still have an average min 8 degs max 19/20. The tomatoes from the end of the season are still growing as are the capsicums????The beautiful frogs we have on our verandah that are very very tiny...this one loves it amongst the Aloe Vera are now hiding away for winter...amazing that they change colour to suit their surroundings...found one on an earthenware pot and was hard to see it the colour was so well matched.
The garden needs much work and lots of compost so have bought a mulcher shredder to convert all our mass of waste growth into mulch. Still haven't used it yet but on the go for this weekend after clearing much bladey grass....

Mandy and I have spent much time at Turtle Rock (our name for it) right on the edge of the ocean where we watch the green turtles feed and play...sadly very hard to catch on film....
Hope that the other hemisphere has much warm and delightful weather....

More to come soon I promise........

1 comment:

Auntie Noo said...

No such luck with the weather here! - Most of the North of England is under water!!! - It's cold and rainy! (But hey it's Wimbledon this week so what do we expect?!)

Nice to catch up on your "doings"

hugs & kisses