Thursday, September 28, 2006

Dingo in the Bush

Living in the bush as we do, one never quite knows what will turn up on the doorstep, though I didn't expect to have a dingo six feet away from the verandah. Talking on the phone and seeing a dingo appear with the left eye and Charley take off with the right eye. Not too sure what would happen should they make contact. Charley definitely very territorial. So Charley and Dingo headed off up the driveway with me behind. I did stop to grab a stick though had no idea what I would do should they contact. Never seen Charley with her hackles that big before or quite as aggitated.

At least now I know that she will chase them away if they get too close. What amazes me when I see the dingoes is how beautiful they are. This one male and fantastic in flight...certainly outran Charley.
Have posted a link for the UK mob should you wish to read more about them. Heart still pumping with the excitement. Thats another reason to live here with our own wildlife sanctuary.
Must be said though that despite what some web sites may say (UK ones) dingoes are not aggressive unless we interfere with them as we are want to do. We feed them and love to see them and then it all gets out of hand. You can get attacked by a chook if its the boss.

It is marvelous to live amongst the wildlife that we have here...the red browed finches are back as are the Wonga Pidgeon pair that visit and wander around all day. Spring and summer call back so much to see...we love it all....


Auntie Noo said...

Those Photos are awesome!!! Lovely to hear of your wildlife sanctuary, only thing I have at the moment is hundreds of geese flying in and out over my house - noisy things they are too!!!!!

Anonymous said...

only in oz could you get something called a wonga pigeon ....

really amazing, i get such a kick out of seeing any kind of wildlife especially after living in a city for so long. bex xxx

Anonymous said...

Thank you, they are so beautiful.
We are lucky to live surrounded by native wildlife too, but so different here.
Honey would love to give the dingos some grief, but Hopi would surely rather chase a stick!
Bit scary not knowing if your dog is going to get nailed though, or you with your stick!
Dog fights are always adrenaline inducing.
And a dingo!
Awesome, what a privalege to get so close.