Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Alice Springs

Had to take the opportunity to post these pictures from M's trip to Alice Springs raising money for Day of Difference on a Charity Flight...these ones seem to go together...traditional dance and traditional people. Colours of the earth and the colour of the indigenous peoples are so similar, easy to connect them to the land that is loved so much and such a huge part of their culture.
If only the first settlers here had realised what they could have learned fro this wonderful group of people. Sadly white migrants deemed it better to 'civilise the natives' and that if that failed better to wipe them out...and it still goes on...better we had left the land to the original custodians. I doubt that these pages will be viewed by indigenous people but if they are I respectfully ask that these images may be shown and would certainly take them down if any offence is taken...


Auntie Noo said...

The photos are AMAZING!

Auntie Noo said...

Tag - you're it!!!! (Pop over to Noo's place to see what I mean!)